SA Path Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

SA Path is committed to protecting the privacy of every person who visits and reads its online content. Personal information, such as your name, phone number or email address, is not automatically gathered via the SA Path’s website or online content. Personal information is only collected when an individual voluntarily provides it, for example through responses to questionnaires, such as customer satisfaction surveys. This personal information is used for the purpose for which it was intended and to deliver the services provided by SA Path. Personal information will not be shared, sold or disclosed to a person or party outside SA Path except SA Path reserves the right to access and disclose information required by law or at the lawful request of government agencies and/or law enforcement agencies.


SA Path website or online content is created to provide information relating to its services. The information on the website is general information only. It is not intended as, nor is it capable of being advice on any specific problem nor a replacement for individual professional medical advice or opinions. SA Path will endeavour to keep the information and content on the website and online up to date however SA Path makes no warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, suitability or currency of information on the website. All information online and on the website is subject to change at any time.

Email messages and associated files send from SA Path’s employees and/or directors are intended only for the use of the parties to which they are addressed. The email(s) may contain confidential information or constitute a trade secret, which is the property of the sender; subject to copyright. It is strictly prohibited to disseminate, copy or distribute any email from SA Path’s employees and/or directors if one receives such in error, please notify sender immediately by replying to the message and immediately deleting the email and its contents. Under no circumstances will SA Path or the sender of the email be liable to any party for any direct, indirect or other consequential damages for any use of the e-mail.